Do you feel tired and stressed out for no apparent reason? If you are looking to get your energy back and fill your mojo cup back to the brim again – keep reading!
There are many yoga poses and mental strategies that can help you re-energize and refresh your body, mind, and spirit. Let’s have a look at three powerful poses below:
1) Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend
To perform this beneficial asana, come to a free standing position using your feet, Tadasana. You can either close the gap between the feet by bringing them together or maintain a hip-width distance. On the first inhale, raise your arms up to Hasta Uttanasana as you roll your shoulders back. Then exhale and slightly lean forward as you tuck the navel in and sit bones drawn back. Your knees can remain in a slightly-bent or extended pose. Maintain your arms at an extended position and, if it’s easy to reach the floor, bring the hands next to your feet or alternatively hold the back of your ankles to momentarily go deeper on each subsequent exhale.
Why does it work?
This pose stimulates blood circulation to the head to calm your nerves and clear your mind. That helps reduce general fatigue and stress. It also lengthens your spine to create ample space between the vertebrae and decompress the stress therein. It also lowers the friction between the vertebrae and the intervertebral disk.
2) Virabhadrasana I or Warrior I
Beginning in a basic standing position, exhale slowly as you step back your left leg to rest the left foot at an angle of 45. Then bend the front right leg, with the knee above the ankle to make an angle of 90 with the foot pointing frontwards. Your hip points should also be pointing forward. As you inhale, raise your arms towards the ceiling, with shoulders rolling slightly backwards as they press the scapulas in and down contracting the core. Open your chest by pointing your arms upwards to a firm pose and thus raising the ribcage. Lift your gaze upwards and forward to look up to the thumbs.
This stretches and strengthens the positioning of the neck. Hold yourself in this pose for about 5 breaths before stepping forward using your left leg and then repeating the entire process on the other side. This standing asana requires lots of strength and mental focus since it’s an energizing yoga pose. It stretches your leg muscles and opens and lubricates both your knees and hip joints. It also promotes your blood flow.
3) Easy-Seat Twist
Begin in a relaxed seated position. Bring the left foot under your right leg and the right foot over the left one. Place the left hand on top of the right knee. With a deep inhale, gradually twist your spine towards the right side of your body, starting from the chest and the shoulders. Finally, slowly turn your head to face backwards. Hold yourself in this pose for up to 5 breaths and then turn to the other side and repeat the process.
This is a warm-up yoga exercise that is meant to stretch your hips and knees. As the spine twists, the intervertebral disc is strengthened and rehydrated. The twist pose is also beneficial as far as the massaging and stimulation of your abdominal organs is concerned. That promotes healthy breathing and digestion.
So there you have it, folks! Practice some of these yoga poses and the energy will come back in no time.
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